Map Ranking


Tribe name:DO0M
Number of members:11
Points of the best 15 players156.275
Total points:156.275
Average points:14.207
Opponents defeated: 123.700 (52.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
BALSAMAKIS 1 40,711 97 7
maniacchicken 2 29,147 115 6
fotis80 3 27,040 119 6
The General Leafs 4 17,080 156 5
MN77 5 10,365 210 4
beastmaster 6 9,852 216 4
Redzone 7 6,727 286 3
mongols 8 6,068 300 3
Agustin 9 4,415 368 2
MK-47 10 2,848 440 1
JPbrutal 11 2,022 485 2
If you have questions please contact Darkling.