Map Ranking


Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

Player ranking for the continent 55

Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Total villages
1 RockyBalboa BEARS 568.598 89 145
2 Goshawk10 Ra 366.354 47 55
3 upperplayground Ra 209.870 41 41
4 Pat Tate Ra 179.605 34 38
5 madpucca Ra 175.751 27 27
6 am nu am UT 154.644 21 21
7 *Ragnar* Ra 147.147 25 25
8 deadeye Ra 146.567 34 34
9 Original ODA Addict Ra 122.770 23 23
10 GriimReaper UT 121.123 19 19
11 luked779 Ra 120.973 28 35
12 Karat222 Ra 115.808 18 22
13 Vindictive Ra 100.392 12 28
14 AndrewVst UT 93.447 15 15
15 TheBigDog BEARS 91.631 13 46
16 Pennywise BEARS 88.166 12 49
17 liamisgod Ra 83.610 14 14
18 deepbluesea Ra 82.288 21 21
19 Leonidas UT 80.011 15 15
20 Governor. BEARS 75.258 12 33
21 Alexander The Great Ra 57.099 10 10
22 Moley Ra 56.933 9 9
23 blaze1 UT 51.864 7 7
24 manixny UT 51.253 9 10
25 DonkeyHead Ra 50.171 10 10
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